Municipal solid waste (MSW) management constitutes one of the most crucial service provision challenges facing African towns and cities (Achankeng, 2003). Due to the economic meltdown experienced in Zimbabwe during the ten years, between 2000 and 2010, many challenges militated against sound urban solid waste management. These challenges included the inability of municipalities to supply safe water to residents, the inability to dispose of sewage, and the breakdown of infrastructure and service delivery in MSW management activities from waste generation, storing, collection, and safe disposal. The cholera outbreak of 2008-2009, which claimed over 3,500 human lives in Zimbabwe, was a direct consequence of a breakdown of municipality services, including irregular refuse collection, among other factors (Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent, 2010). MSW management involves five stages. They include waste generation, storage, collection, transportation, and disposal. This research sought to establish the extent of the breakdown of the solid waste management system in Masvingo City. It establishes the challenges faced throughout the MSW management activities. Solid waste management across the globe now focuses on waste reduction and recycling before disposal. Diverting waste away from dumping sites and landfills towards reuse, recycling, and recovery can improve the livelihoods of thousands of informal waste re-claimers while also creating new jobs. Improving the standards of landfills and their life span can reduce the use of red flags to Masvingo city council by EMA. The study highlights the challenges in waste disposal by the municipality and makes recommendations on waste reduction and recycling opportunities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Brighton Zhongove, Ashley Cheleka, Frank Chipfunde, Emmanuel Nhedzi, Jemitias Mapira

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