Jeanne Alejo-Abitago, Nestor C. Nabe


This study aimed to develop the best-fit model of police public trust in the context of community leaders in Region IX. This study used a quantitative research design, employing Pearson correlation, reliability analysis using SPSS, and structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the best-fit model for police public trust. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 435 community leaders in Region IX who participated in the study. Findings revealed that peaceful behavior and fear of crime obtained a high level, while contextual victimization perception posted a moderate level, and police public trust acquired a high level. Results also revealed that there were significant relationships between peaceful behavior and police public trust, but fear of crime and contextual victimization perception towards police public trust were discovered to be not associated. Further, Model 3 best fits the public trust of the police in the Davao Region. The regression analysis indicates a strong and increasing positive relationship between exogenous and peaceful behavior, while fear of crime can lead to less peaceful behavior and the influence of victimization perception decreases over time. Also, the covariance analysis shows a strong positive relationship between fear of crime and victimization perception, a weaker positive link between peaceful behavior and victimization perception, and a nearly significant but weak connection between peaceful behavior and fear of crime.


SDG Indicator: #16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions)


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criminal justice, police public trust, peaceful behavior, fear of crime, contextual victimization perception, community leaders, structural equation model, Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v10i5.1882

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