Omoefe Michel Dafegoma


Disaster has indeed affected library services and how libraries provide their services to their patrons. However, with disaster preparedness and management, libraries can be proactive and resilient in mitigating the risk of disaster in the library. Disaster preparedness and management is a topic of interest. This phenomenology study seeks to probe the challenges, coping mechanisms, and insights shared by head librarians using in-depth interviews. Eight (8) participants were chosen using the purposive sampling method, and data was analysed using thematic analysis. Based on the findings, it was revealed that the participants had faced difficulties in library disaster/disaster preparedness and management, which are encompassed by the following themes: (I) Inconvenienced Patrons, (ii) Stressed Librarians, (iii) Damage to Property, (iv) Lack of Resources. They also utilized coping mechanisms such as (I) Preserving the Collection, (ii) Ensuring the Safety of Patrons, (iii) Following Emergency Response Protocols, and (iv) Rapid Recovery of Library Services. Lastly, when asked about their shared insights, the following themes emerged: (I) Build Alliances with Local Partners, (ii) Strengthen Disaster Risk Governance, and (iii) Fortify Institution-Based Disaster Preparedness. The findings contribute to understanding the importance of disaster preparedness and management in libraries and provide implications for policy-making on enhancing libraries' resilience to mitigate disasters.


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library and information science, disaster preparedness, disaster management, thematic analysis, Philippines, head librarian, Philippines phenomenology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v10i5.1901

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