The MoEST (2006) initiated the application of computer components in the instruction of Kiswahili writing skills so as to heighten the performance on the following Kiswahili writing aspects: communicate fluently in functional and creative compositions, apply diverse sentence structures proficiently, use correctly diverse components of paragraphs, punctuate their writing compositions appropriately and summarize the data in a required number of words correctly. Though, this has not been achieved as witnessed by learners’ poor learning achievements on Kiswahili writing achievements CATs over years among senior learners in learning institutions in Nakuru County, Kenya The objective of the Paper was to Find out the relationship between students taught Kiswahili writing skills using computer aided instruction and those students taught Kiswahili writing skills using traditional teaching methods on performance on Kiswahili writing achievements. This Paper used a causal-comparative design. 750 student participants were sampled from a study population of 12900 students. Purposive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques were employed to sample the study participants. Students’ questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data. Piloting was pre-tested in three learning institutions to establish the validity and reliability of the study items in two weeks before the beginning of the actual research, whereby the research agreed that the research items were valid and reliable; the reliability of students’ questionnaires was calculated using Cronbach’s Alpha Formula. Students’ alpha coefficient resulted, an alpha of 0.74 which was regarded adequate for the research. Descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviations were used to analyze quantitative data while an independent T-test were used to test the hypothesis so as to establish out the differences between the two means on Kiswahili writing achievements between the two groups. Quantitative data was presented and interpreted using frequency tables, bar graphs and pie-charts. The research results found that computer components increased Kiswahili writing achievements. The t- test results found that there was a significant statistical difference in favour of the computer components group students, it was concluded that the employment of computer components in the teaching of Kiswahili writing skills heightened Kiswahili writing achievements.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.235
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