This study aimed at investigating on how the current reward programme influence employees job performance at Nzoia Sugar Company Limited in Bungoma County. Specifically, it aimed at finding out which aspects of reward programme functions well and which aspects could be further developed and improved in order to increase employee job performance. The research specific objectives were; (i) to establish the influence of promotion on employee job performance at Nzoia Sugar Company Limited in Bungoma County; (ii) to establish how training influence employee job performance at Nzoia Sugar Company Limited in Bungoma County and (iii) to examine the influence of flexible work systems on employee work motivation at Nzoia Sugar Company Limited in Bungoma County. The target population was 252 employees of Nzoia Sugar Company Limited. The target population comes from different departments. The study sample size was 76 employees obtained through stratified random sampling method. The descriptive research design was used. The data was collected through questionnaires and interviews. The data was prepared and analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics through the aid SPSS. Data was presented in form of tables, pie charts, and bar charts. The study used correlation analysis to bring out the relationship between the variables under study. Promotion of employees showed the greatest influence on employees job performance as it indicated the highest mean of 35.5 and hence based on these findings the company should implement promotional rewards to realize increase increased productivity of the employees. Promotional rewards are ranked no. 1 among other promotional rewards. This study will be of significance to the management of Nzoia Sugar Company limited in Bungoma County to revise reward program policies for the purpose of increasing employee job performance, the study will enable the researcher to make recommendations to Nzoia Sugar Company administrators in Bungoma County, policy makers especially Kenya Sugar Board and any public sector in formulating policies and strategies to be employed to improve employee job performance in institutions of sugar manufacturing industry. The study will also be a source of reference for researchers intending to carry out further research on the influence of reward programs on employee job performance at Nzoia Sugar Company limited in Bungoma County or any other institution.
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