The reason to choose this topic for research among others is the studies method of this issue or paper, since it is one of the most spread problems among children nowadays, because a number of them perform heavy duties and with destructive consequences for their health as in the psychic aspect and also in that emotional one, but also in the inappropriate construction of the child’s personality. However, on the occasion of knowing and studying of these circumstances today, we primarily have a better awareness as in this cases to the parents-family, social-cultural environment and also the society in general. The key of the research or the aim of the problem in to regard is familiarizing with the causes and motives of engaging children at work and their knowing of the factors influencing in spreading this incidence which is of a large extent and very concerning, for the fact that this incidence is increasing every day more and more. The occurrence of studying these issues and familiarizing with the circumstances the impellent and motivating factors in this aspect, has affected the change of this situation to a large extent. Our research problem in this case will be “causes and motives of engaging children at work”. This will be our research focus in this regard.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Behxhet Gaxhiqi

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