The study examines the concept of literature review in research framework. The main objective is to gather various and explicit scholars' views on how to review, manage and structure literature review as a vital component of research proposal. Therefore, content analysis as qualitative technique is employed to achieve the objective of the paper. The paper discusses the concept of research, social scientific research, and identifies number of social scientific research norms (universalism, organized skepticism, disinterestedness, communalism and honest). Again, the paper identifies goals and various sources of literature review including primary and secondary sources, its types, and common challenges and finally, basic substances/sub-heading, which every literature review should include. Consequently, the findings reveals that five basic sub-headings including introduction, conceptual framework, theoretical framework (if needed), review of empirical studies and summary and uniqueness of the study should be included in the chapter (Review of Related Literature).
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Copyright (c) 2018 Abubakar Sani

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