This paper aims to present the brand equity trends among top banks and financial brands during 2001-15. The research uses the data published by world’s leading brand consultancy Interbrand. During 2001-2015, a total of 19 financial brands from seven countries appeared in the top 100 global brands list. Analyses were made on the basis of cumulative brand equity, average brand equity and growth patterns. Some major trends presented in this paper are; (a) global economic recession (2008-2009) affected the financial brands more than other sectors; (b) different clusters of financial institutions moved differently during recession and afterwards (c) dominance of American financial brands remained the key observation.
JEL: D02, E02, G21, F01
Article visualizations:
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Copyright (c) 2018 Kamran Ahmad Siddiqui, Ishtiaq Ahmad Bajwa, Muhammad Ather Elahi

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