The present study was intended to investigate the Emotional intelligence as a predictor of organizational commitment among college teachers of Lahore, Punjab Pakistan. The populations for the present study were all the male and female college teachers of District Lahore. Random and convenient sampling technique was applied to select the sample for conducting this study because of the time constraint. Sample include of twenty (20) colleges which were selected. Ten male and ten female colleges were selected from location. The sample consists of 716 teachers (324 males and 392 females) who were recently teaching as regular teachers in different colleges of Lahore were selected. Data was collected by Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test, consist of 30 items, Job Satisfaction Scale consist of 16 items, Allen & Meyer, 1990 Scale of Turnover Intentions that consist of 08 items and Mowday, Stress and Porter Scale of Organization Commitment (1979) that consist of 15 items. Findings of the study show that there is a significant difference in emotional intelligence (EI) between male and female college teachers. Male teachers have a significantly higher emotional intelligence (M=2.3059, SD=19.37687) than females respondents (M=2.2722, SD=2.3059), not significant difference between all male and female college teachers of Dist. Lahore, and male teachers (M=54.0062, SD=6.21194) and females teachers (M=54.2577, SD=5.90959) have about same job satisfaction, no significant difference between all male and female college teacher. Females teachers (M=27.8724, SD=3.81263) have about same turnover intentions by gender, male college (M=50.8519, SD=6.14855) and female college teachers (M=50.9158, SD=5.74528) have about same Organizational Commitment (OC) by Gender. There was statistically significant difference, t (716) =138.430, p<.001 between emotional intelligence (M=96.0098, SD= 7.88705) and job satisfactions (M=54.1439, SD= 6.04530). It means that job satisfaction has less to do with emotional intelligence to become predictor of organizational commitment, people with high emotional intelligence retain less level of turnover intentions, job satisfaction contributes more to emotional intelligence as compared to turnover intentions, those who are committed to the organization also retain moderate level of job satisfaction, those who possess more organization commitment are less prone to turnover intentions and there was statistically significance difference t (716) =148.428, p<.001 between emotional intelligence (M=54.0098, SD= 7.88705) and organization commitment (M=50.8869, SD= 5.92704). The result of study reveals that emotional intelligence contributes to organizational commitment moderately.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.3
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