The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of choice theory on parent-child’s conflicts and self-sufficiency among female students. The current investigation was a half-experimental study with proposing an experiment in pre-test-post-test with control group. The female students of district no. one of Sanandaj were the statistical population of this study. The samples of this research were randomly available to both control and experiment each group including twenty people. The parent-child questionnaire of Murray Strauss (1979) and self-sufficiency of Sherer and co-workers (1982) were utilized for collecting the data (1982). Furthermore, for analyzing findings, the variance analysis was used. The results of analyses indicate that teaching choice theory meaningfully affects the parent-child conflicts and the growth of self-sufficiency (p < 0.05). The results of this study can be used in psychological and consulting organizations to improve and advance relations between parents and children and to improve and advance educational condition of high school students as well.
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