In this new economy, mobility of knowledge employees has become a major concern of the business organizations since organizations may lose the competitive advantage due to the shortness of talent. Thus, the purpose of this research is to assess the determinants of leadership styles on organizational culture towards organization performance in Abu Dhabi Public Sector. A total of 398 respondents were selected for the data analysis, where the ultimate step of data analysis is the employing appropriate analytical methods to understand and interpret the data collected. Prior to Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was conducted to check the hypothesis relationships of the variables to verify its factor structure. The findings of this study revealed that, strategic leadership style is positively related to organizational culture. Besides, laissez-faire leadership style is positively related to organizational culture, as well as autocratic leadership style is positively related to organizational culture. Result also indicated that, participative leadership style is positively related to organizational culture; transactional leadership style is positively related to organizational culture, transformational leadership style is positively related to organizational culture. Interestingly, the organizational culture is positively related to organization performance. Result also revealed that, strategic leadership style is positively related to organization performance; laissez-faire leadership style is positively related to organization performance. In addition, autocratic leadership style is positively related to organization performance; participative leadership style is positively related to organization performance. Then, transactional leadership style is positively related to organization performance. At the same time, transformational leadership style is positively related to organization performance. Besides that, it is also found that age is not related to organization performance, same goes to education. So, this research opens up some meticulous findings which will enhance the future research on the similar field.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Amer Saleh Nasser Abdulla Al Mansoori, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam

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