In Zimbabwe, many school-going orphans fail to attain their academic prospects because of gender inequality and child -insensitive society. This has negatively affected the orphans for the rest of their lives. This study was therefore conducted in order to unpack the orphans’ academic challenges and to recommend strategies to improve their life. The study was carried out in Ward 10 with specific focus on 3 Primary and 2 Secondary schools in Mutasa District in Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe. The researcher employed the qualitative paradigm and adopted the case study design in an effort to gain more insights into the phenomenon. During the period of the study, the area had a population of 4000 people from which a sample size of 50 participants was selected using the purposive technique because the researcher wanted to work with the appropriate informants. The questionnaire, direct observation, interviews and documentary analysis were used to generate data which were then descriptively presented. The instruments enabled the researcher to generate rich data for the study. Ethical and legal issues were highly considered. The study revealed that gender inequality was threat to the orphans’ welfare. Some educational programmes which were intended to benefit the less privileged were redirected towards benefiting the more privileged individuals. The study recommended that gender programmes should be intensified in communities to improve behaviour change for equal educational opportunities and to develop a child-sensitive society.
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