Brand knowledge ponders had to increase significant consideration from both experts and researchers. The comprehension of brand knowledge could be converted into good disposition and conduct that guide advertisers in figuring engaging marketing procedures. Be that as it may, much examination had centered on customers brand knowledge and little is comprehended on how employees brand knowledge comprehends the brand. Employees brand knowledge is significant as they are the brand deliverers; henceforth this is important for them. Subsequently, this examination plans to inspect on how employees perceived and comprehend the banks brand heretofore. The investigation among 312 employees from banking sector uncovered that over 75% of the respondents surely knew their behavior, their own work and contribution. Banks goals and policies and customer expectations and almost over 60% of respondents know the brand meaning, targets customers, These employees accepted to carry on as needs be to the brand promise that later could satisfied customer. Conclusion and suggestion, future research likewise are examined toward the finish of this article.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.377
Copyright (c) 2018 K. A. Apeksha Nirmali, Ali Khathibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam

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