The ability to innovate is considered as a major competitive advantage in organizations, enhancing their effectiveness, productivity, and thus their potential for long term sustainability. The concept has been strongly identified with manufacturing, where innovations concern products and artifacts, while in other sectors, like education, have by contrast, been seen as a "foot-dragger". However, the rapid expansion of the other sectors in modern economies and the increasing "servicisation" of many, previously pure, manufacturing industries have shifted the focus of attention to new forms of behavior and activities, expressed as service innovations. Third level institutions play the main part in increasing technical expertise and knowledge of graduates who will contribute at the development of the future enterprises and organizations. Due to globalization reasons, technological innovation, the arrival of the Information Age and other influences, theoretical and practical requirements for undergraduate and postgraduate students are constantly evolving. This obliges institutions to develop in new ways, to offer continual expansion and enhancement in their curriculum, research output and service to the business community. However, higher education is falling behind in modernization and improvement; and the break between what academia offer and what industry requires is of growing concern.
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