Unemployment is a major problem in Kenya. It has made many young university graduates demoralized. Unemployment rate has risen so high that in every 10 young people, close to 4 are jobless with requisite qualifications. Successive governments have done little to arrest the situation. This research was done to understand the causes of unemployment in Kenya and the solutions that can be put in place to mitigate the problem. The effects of unemployment and the relationship between creation of opportunities and the growth of economy. The research found out that unemployment in Kenya is very high. This shows lack of confidence they have the system in place. The main effects of unemployment are crime, corruption, nepotism and favourism, high dependency and drug abuse. Being a job creator rather than a job seeker is the major solution of unemployment in Kenya. The research also found out that aligning the education curriculum in line with the demand of the market is paramount and should be hastened. In conclusion, unemployment has caused a lot of problems in Kenya. The research recommended a raft of measures to reduce the issue of unemployment in the country. Encourage the youth to be job creators and not job seekers only. Universities should play an important role in this case. Universities should develop courses that are relevant and demand driven. Duplication of courses with fewer demands should be minimized as this will flood graduates with similar courses that are not needed at all. Technical education should be enhanced and proper mechanisms put in place to sponsor and encourage students to take up these courses. Strict regulations should be enacted to fight corruption, nepotism and favourism. Kenya needs a practical and proactive solution for this monster.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.400
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