Poor waste management practices are a major challenge in most developing countries like Zimbabwe. A number of reasons which include financial constraints, lack of skilled personnel, lack of interest by the general public to practice good waste management practices and increase in population due to rapid urbanization have led to some residential suburbs being commissioned near dumpsites. Developing countries use varying methods for waste disposal however according to literature most are below the recommended international standards hence this poses a huge danger to the environment and humans living close to the sites of disposal. The study has revealed that people living close to the dumpsite like the Victoria Ranch residents in Masvingo are greatly affected in a number of ways. These mainly include incidences of dysentery cases, high prevalent of rats, mosquitoes in wet seasons, flies in summer, permanent bad odors that prevail throughout the year and bad scavenging habits being practiced by some of their children. As with many disposal sites in developing countries no international practices are being followed so as to promote a healthy living environment to the Victoria Ranch residents and Runyararo West residents. Various reasons were stated by the responsible local authorities for the utilization of an expired dumpsite. However, there is need for the Government to cooperate with the local authorities in waste management practices so as to provide a healthy living environment to every citizen regardless of their location
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.409
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