The Study sought to analysis the trends of fund flow of Climate Change Trust Fund, a national window of climate financing in Bangladesh. The main objectives of this study are to analysis the enactment of Climate Change Trust Fund with its fiduciary management and activities of nine years and identify the utilization gaps of this fund in terms to policy and practices. This is an explanatory and qualitative research. The result of the study showed that the Climate Change Trust Fund mainly utilized at the sector of water, infrastructure, agriculture, Forestry and Biodiversity conservation. Adaptation activities are getting priority under Climate Change Trust Fund while some notable Mitigation activities were also implemented. Nineteen Ministries along with its agencies were implemented the Climate Change Trust Funded Projects which were implemented all over the country. Among the six thematic areas of Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP, 2009), thematic area, T3: infrastructure and T1: Food Security, Social Protection and Health got highest priority to the decision makers for Funding. In terms of project number, maximum infrastructural activities under CCTF were implemented by Local Government Division where as large amount of money were allocated to the Ministry of water resources for their infrastructural activities at the coastal zones in the country. Bangladesh is the innocent victim of climate change due to its geographical location and economic condition. Due to various constrains including lack of resources the climatic impact is severe at the coastal zone of Bangladesh for last few decades. So, the infrastructure development is more essential at these coastal areas. Most of the activities of CCTF were the routine works of concern ministries while a few numbers of activities were innovative and predominantly addressed to the climate induced loss and damages in the country. It is because the criteria of climate induced activities in the action plan were not mentioned clearly and there is no mandate to check the feasibility study of the project before the approval process. With such limitations, there is no doubt that establishment such kind of fund and the implemented activities play an important role to develop the adaptive capacity of local community of Bangladesh to addresses the challenges of climate change.
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