Kübra Karayılan, Ömer Yılmaz


As developments in modern economic sciences have increased rapidly in recent centuries, the moral position within economics has begun to shrink gradually. Living developments have prevented acting with emotions, such as moral and social benefits or social responsibility. Increasing depreciation of the concept of morality in the economy is felt more often in some economic systems and it is observed that the social values or value judgments have been damaged by putting the interests of the individuals in the forefront. However, it is pointed out that morality is important within the economy, along with the globalization, economic growth or development, it is seen that ethical values and economic values do not support each other in practice while advocating that all economic activities carried out should be done with business morality.


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morality, economic man, capitalism, socialism, islam


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.44

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