The purpose of this study was to examine the role of ICT to crime control in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River state, Nigeria. Two null hypotheses were formulated based on the identified major variables – Closed-circuit Television (CCTV), and Mobile phone. The study was sustained on technology determinism theory and diffusion of innovation theory. The research design adopted was cross sectional survey design. Data for testing the hypotheses were generated using a 24-item questionnaire titles “questionnaire on ICT and crime control” (QICTCC). Data were collected from 537 respondents through multi-stage sampling techniques from the two local governments that make up Calabar Metropolis. The generated data were statistically tested using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The test hypotheses revealed that there is a significant relationship between CCTV, mobile phone, and crime control in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria. It was concluded that information and communications technology plays an important role in crime control. The study recommended among others that: the government should install Closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras on public highways and in shopping malls and parks. CCTV operations will help to remotely monitor premises without having to have police officers engaged in long-term operational surveillance. It will help in emergency response, patrol management, individual and vehicle tracking and gunshot detection. In addition, the government should make larger allocation of resources, particularly financial, to the research and development of the technologies that will make a significant contribution to fighting crime and improving the workings of criminal investigation in the future.
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