Dukata Radoja


Help and relief in the body, comfort and consolation in the spirit means, pay attention to the whole person of the patient, in his global reality, realizing not only of all its physical, psychological, relational, social and spiritual. The partner wild with pleasure to learn in order to be close to the sick, to be able to offer them a' presence of love and competent service. It is important for every person to know what are the motives of the act while carrying out a visit, which is a true' therapeutic ministry. Aware that, by the patient is not going to spend a bit 'of time, let alone to vent on him our problems and our concerns: in fact, already has enough and not add more. All the sick wherever they are, living situations of suffering, still await a visit from the aid, relief, comfort and consolation, in body and in spirit.


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pastoral counseling, sick, service, ministry therapeutic


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