In 1999, the Nziramasanga Commission of inquiry into the Zimbabwean education system was tasked to look into the issues surrounding the education system. While the commission came up with recommendations, however, political and economic challenges could not allow such transformations. Thus, this paper discusses concerns surrounding the updated school curriculum in Zimbabwe. This is based on the feeling that the education system must be characterized by dramatic technological revolution that has a strong bearing on the curriculum. Guided by the foundational curriculum theory, the paper argues that education is a tool geared to reform society and creates change for the better. Hence, authentic education in Zimbabwe addresses the whole person and does not limit professional development and curriculum design to workplace readiness. To this end, there is every need to review the status quo of secondary school curriculum in Zimbabwe in order to consolidate further the new basic education programme and to ensure the actualization of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education policy in the area of human capital development. Finally, the paper recommends massive advocacy and sensitization of heads, teachers, students, district inspectors, parents and the entire regional and provincial supervisory team who are the end users of the updated curriculum for effective implementation.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Gondo Reniko, Maturure Kennedy J., Mutopa Sevious, Tokwe Tapiwa, Chirefu Harison, Mary Nyevedzanayi

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