Globally, business organizations are striving to at least meet customers’ expectations or go beyond in their business transactions. This is made necessary by the fact that the quality of any organization’s products or services is predicated on the extent to which they meet or surpass customers’ expectations. This premise resulted in the crafting of quality standards that are legally enforced at government and corporate levels world over. Internationally, the ISO 21000 quality standards are observed by many countries including Zimbabwe. The corporate Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) is on record for its enduring efforts towards quality service delivery. Quality Assurance and Control are an integral part of the University’s Cooperate Strategy. The University seeks to achieve world class university standards in all of its sub-processes with the prime aim of delighting its stakeholders (ZOU, Quality Policy Procedure Manual, 2013). Several researches were carried on ZOU sub-processes like the quality of tutorials and student services. Little research was carried out on the quality of the teaching-learning inputs the University avails to its tutors. This gap gave birth to this study. The study established that the ZOU Bulawayo Education Department was generally doing well in the orientation sub-process, distribution of modules, and the dissemination of information to tutors. Nevertheless, weaknesses were noted in the following sub-processes; the provision of instructional media and technology, orientation of tutors in on-line assignment marking and orientation in the use of Library and Information Services.
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Copyright (c) 2019 E. Hwande, John Mpofu

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