The purpose of this research is to find out the form of the application model and concept of the management and the settlement process of bankrupt assets of debtor carried out by the curator. The main result of this research is the curator's main duties and authorities in carrying out the tasks of management and bankruptcy of assets from the date the bankruptcy decision is pronounced. However, these duties and authorities are detailed by law to avoid differences in interpretation from many parties involved. This proposition is quite appropriate given the vulnerability of the curator's duty to the lawsuit from third parties, debtors, and even the creditors themselves. The conclusion of this study is that the curator must cooperate with various parties, namely bankrupt debtors, creditors, supervisory judges. This is useful for the smooth process of management and settlement of the bankrupt debtors' assets in paying their debts to creditors. The curator has several ways of managing and clearing up the bankrupt debtor's assets but the most important is cooperation or good relations with the parties involved, thus, no party feels disadvantaged by the curator.
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