In recent times, the Northeastern region of Nigeria has engulfed into pocket of insecurity and political conflict. The insecurity ranges from bomb blast, kidnapping, rapping, to other related crimes including insurgency by Boko Haram elements. This has affected the economic ability and socio-political capability of the region to a miximum level. The development prompted the government to put more efforts and different palliatives measures in order to restore back hopes, peace, confidence, security of lives and property as well as to regain back lost livelihoods and reconstruction of all infrastructure damaged during the conflict in the region. These strategies include the Presidential Initiatives for North-East (PINE) Development, the various States Development Strategies, the Foreign Intervention Development Strategies, and the latest North East Development Commission Bill assented to restore hopes and reconstruct the economy of the region. The PINE in particular was founded by the administration of President Goodluck E. Jonathan to provide basic human needs and services for restoring livelihoods and confidence in the nation and its economic system. In spite of this strategy, the region still and largely lag behind in terms of infrastructural development, thousands of children still roams around the street at the expense of schools, people are still dying by bomb blast, internal displaced camps are overcrowded than ever, access to basic healthcare delivery in the camp is far from sight than ever. It was on this premise that the paper desires to assess prospects, challenges and operations of the PINE in the region. The paper also examines the existing strategies adopted by the PINE for the economic recovery and reconstruction of the region. Using documentary data gathered from official reports from governmental institutions both national and international such as Word Bank, National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) as well as books and Journals both hard and internet versions, the paper was analyzed through analyzing tool of content analysis. The paper argued that PINE as a strategy has help in ameliorating the suffering of the people but much is still needed. It is on this basis that the paper recommends inclusive strategy for the restoration of peace, hopes, and confidence as well as long lasting security in the region.
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