Urban green space is part of an open urban landscape covered by trees, lawns and other plants that are constructed based on human monitoring and management, taking into account the rules and regulations related to improving the living conditions, habitat and welfare of citizens. The city's green space is divided into public green spaces, semi-public green space, and street green space. Parks are classified according to their identity, importance, scale, and sphere of influence and function. In the review of thoughts and ideas about green spaces in new urbanization, three patterns and views were emerging in new ideas. The perspective of the progressive urbanists, the viewpoint of the urbanist planners, and the view of the nature-oriented urbanists, with differences in attitudes towards urban green spaces over the past 100 years result in formation and creation of specific species of parks and green spaces in cities. In this research, we tried to provide a theoretical model for evaluating urban management performance in green spaces and urban parks development of Behbahan city by review the existing literature.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Abdolmottaleb Karimzadeh, Glolamreza Malekshahi, Rahim Bardi Anamoradnezhad

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