Effiong J. Ekpo


This paper examined the activities of trade unions under the umbrella of the Nigeria Labour Congress during the Military dictatorship of the late 1980’s and 1990’s, which hastened the return to democratic rule in the country. The apparent puzzle of its longevity and continued survival despite attempts to emasculate and undermine it by succeeding regimes especially the military, has often depicted it as the proverbial cat with mice lives will also be examined. The article focused on Buhari’s economic reforms, how it helps in many measures to influence the development of Nigeria Political Economy, and how it stops the embezzlement of public funds through promulgation of degrees stopping of central feeding in tertiary schools by the Government. It also focused on introduction of the austerity measures by General Ibrahim Babangida that affected the economy development of Nigeria and the people. The paper focused on the annulment of the June 12, 1993 election that saw Chief M.K.O. Abiola emerging as the preferred candidate. The article concluded that, the relationship between trade unions and political parties is usually determined by both historical reasons and constitutional provisions, but often times some constitutional provisions merely embodied the historical developments that have served to structure such relationships.


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capital exploitation, Nigeria Labour Congress, political landscapes, General Buhari and Ibrahim Babangida experience

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