This paper examines cybercrime in the contemporary Nigerian value system. The paper finds that the uptick of cybercrime in Nigeria is inextricably linked with contemporary Nigeria value system. Indeed, the understanding of this linkage is important to carry out a truly scientific approach to the study of cybercrime and correct some policy misconceptions. The study was anchored on institutional anomie theory (IAT) and data were secondarily sourced through newspaper publications, journal articles, textbooks, magazines and publications. The paper recommends the urgent need for a value re-orientation, a re-engendering and a re-focusing on our value system with the view to actualizing our potentials and harnessing our resources both human and materials, for a greater, purposeful and vibrant Nigeria. Also, fighting corruption and enthroning transparency through the strengthening of institutions, and increased citizen participation in the governance process is urgently needed.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Chinweze Uzochukwu C., Onyejegbu Dominic Chukwuemeka, Friday Raphael Egbegi
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