This study is a historical appraisal of the contributions of private universities to the educational development in Nigeria since 1999. This is based on the purpose, nature of emergence, the ownership structure types, it also examines the policies, motivation behind their establishment vis-à-vis their implementations. The major concern is an evaluation of the processes in relation to the policies that brought about private universities. The causality and evaluative approaches were adopted as the methodology in this research. Data from two major sources (primary and secondary) were collected. They were classified, analyzed ordered and synthesized. Processes of development of education were criticized, pointing out the weak and strong points. The study arrived at some findings. That, out of 34 approved private universities, twenty-six (76% were sited in the south while only eight (23.5%) were sited in the North. That the labour market in Nigeria favours graduates of management sciences as opposed to Art/Science oriented discipline. Thirdly, human material resources remained inadequate in quality and quantity. Due to politicization of education, the goals of the universities (teaching, research and community services) have been submerged and eroded. That there are less specialized universities in the country as against the existence of conventional ones. The establishment of private universities is a welcome form of innovation to the country’s higher education.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.567
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