Jhun Leo A. Pañares, Ferdinand T. Abocejo


This study evaluated the implementation of the “Naga Akong Garbo” (NAGa) Programme from its two components on (1) cleanliness, sanitation and health, and (2) governance systems and structures. It focused on the present status, challenges and successes experienced and achieved during the Programme implementation. Descriptive survey research design was employed and descriptive statistics were used in the data analysis. Findings revealed that the 20 purposively chosen key informants (KIs) consistently rated each indicator on cleanliness, sanitation, health and governance as implemented enough whereas governance structures was viewed as highly implemented. Programme implementation encountered challenges included highly technical indicators of the scorecards where progress and monitoring reporting become difficult and tedious. Some village officials were found to be unresponsive and non-cooperative because of differing political party affiliations and conflicting vested interests. A major challenge was the delayed releases funds causing subsequent delays of programme implementation. On the positive note, major successes have been achieved along improved public service delivery. Finally, the NAGa Programme provided avenues for the strengthened working relationships among various departments, stakeholders and the local people. It was very instrumental in the achieved successes on cleanliness, sanitation, health and governance systems of the city, more evidently along governance structures.


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Naga Akong Garbo (NAGa), cleanliness, sanitation, health, governance systems, governance structures, balance-scorecard, new public services theory

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.570

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