Cao Xuan Long


Phan Boi Chau (1867-1940) was a representative of revolutionary thinkers, revolutionaries, poets and educators... of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In his life of ups and downs, he has left many valuable ideas as lessons for the development of the country today. These are the views stemming from the pressing need of history for the fight for the liberation of nation and human; a combination of Eastern and Western cultural thought and Vietnamese cultural tradition; at different stages, his philosophical thought constantly changed and developed.


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Phan Boi Chau, philosophical thought, history, Viet Nam

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Tran Van Giau. 1993. The development of thought in Vietnam from the nineteenth century to the August Revolution, Volume 1,2,3, Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House

Hoai Thanh. 1978. Phan Boi Chau. Hanoi: Culture Publishing House.

Chuong Thau. 2004. Research on Phan Boi Chau. Hanoi: National Politics Publishing House, Hanoi.

Chuong Thau, Tran Ngoc Vuong. 2001. Phan Boi Chau on the author and the works. Hanoi: Education Publishing House.

Ho Chi Minh. 2000, Full volume, volume 2. Hanoi: National Politics Publishing House.

Analects. 1950. Sai Gon: Tri Duc Publishing House.


Copyright (c) 2019 Cao Xuan Long

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