Luz S. Ilagan


The study assessed the implementation of gender mainstreaming in government owned higher education institution in Eastern Visayas, Leyte, Philippines. It examined the level of awareness of school administrators and faculty members on gender mainstreaming initiatives and how they perceived about the extent of gender mainstreaming implementation in the areas of instruction, research, extension and production. The association between administrators and faculty attributes in terms of their awareness on the university’s fourfold functions was also examined. The study was implemented through a descriptive and correlational survey research design utilizing a researcher made questionnaire which was pilot tested and standardized prior to actual conduct of the survey data gathering. Findings revealed that faculty members and administrators were moderately aware of the gender mainstreaming efforts of the university, but with significantly differences in their levels of awareness. By extent of implementation, gender mainstreaming was less implemented in the area of research, moderately implemented in the areas instruction, extension and production. Significant relationship was noted between designation and the level of awareness on gender mainstreaming, no statistical association was revealed among sex, age, academic rank and educational qualification. Meanwhile, age, academic rank and educational qualification were significantly related to instruction but not to research, both age and academic rank were significantly associated with extension and production.


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gender mainstreaming, gender and development, higher education institutions, instruction, research, extension, production

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