The purpose of this research is to investigate how healthcare service quality and patients’ satisfaction are related. Thus, the study aims to assess patient’s expectations, patients’ satisfaction levels and measure the quality gap for SERVQUAL dimensions. This study employs a quantitative descriptive research approach to achieve the research objectives by testing a set of hypotheses. The data collection is by means of a self-administered questionnaire to collect primary data from 350 patients in Indonesian dental hospitals with special reference to Jakarta and Bali. The research findings reveal that the patients’ expectation and satisfaction with the healthcare SERVQUAL (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) is not matched and there is a gap in the service quality. However, the results indicate a service quality gap in both dental hospitals. In addition, the type of hospital has been found to affect patients’ satisfaction for tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy and assurance dimensions.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.662
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