The purpose of this study was to describe: 1) the implementation of 12-year compulsory education policy in North Barito regency; 2) obstacles encountered in the implementation of 12-year compulsory education policy in North Barito regency; 3) the work of schools and the government to overcome the problems encountered in the implementation of compulsory education to 12 years in North Barito regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques are an interview, observation and documentation. The stages of data analysis: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Test the validity of the data used triangulation of data and sources. Research result; 1) implementation of compulsory education policy 12 years in North Barito regency consists of three main elements, namely: a) implementing policies; b) the program c) target groups. 2) implementation constraints compulsory 12 years in North Barito Regency, namely: (a) lack of budget; (B) zoning (c) lack of understanding of parents on education and lack of interest for school children; (D) the weak economy; (E) infrastructure is lacking; (F) the lack of teachers in remote areas; 3) the efforts made in the implementation of compulsory education to 12 years: (a) the Department of Education to prioritize the more important and urgent; (B) the school received in accordance with the capacity of the class and the students must sign up outside the zone (c) provide insight to the public about the importance of education; (D) to disseminate to the public to participate free of charge and provides scholarships for disadvantaged children; (E) proposals procurement of facilities and infrastructure.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Irda Muslimin, J. Jamaluddin, Budi Suryadi

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