Microfinance has been identified as a significant tool for small business development among the poor in the world. Microfinance has been provided various services to their clients to enhancing their employment opportunities to empowering them economically. The effectiveness of microfinance on developing small scale businesses is being controlled by different factors. Gender has been identified as a significant factor for moderate the relationship between microfinance services and small-scale business performance. This study intends to analyses the moderating role of gender between the relationships of microloan service, micro saving service, Training, and business consultation service and insurance service between small scale business performances. Primary data were collected using the Likert scale questionnaire from 497 clients of the Samurdhi microfinance program in five selected districts in Sri Lanka. Collected data were analyzed by Multi-group CFA using AMOS and SPSS software. The outcome of the study was revealed that there is a significant moderating effect by gender to all four microfinance services and small-scale business development. And the female group was a more powerful group than males to successfully use the microfinance services to enhance the small-scale business.
JEL: G2, G21
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Copyright (c) 2019 J. A. Prasansha Kumari, S. M. Ferdous Azam, Siti Khalidah Md Yusoff

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