This study sought to investigate the effects of globalization on the culture of Batswana (people who live in Botswana). The study sought to answer two research questions, and these are: (1) What positive and negative changes have taken place in the culture of Batswana because of globalization? and (2) What can be done to preserve the culture of Batswana in view of the threat from the Western culture(s). Converted to research objectives, these questions become: (2) To find out the positive and negative changes (or effects) that have taken place in the cultures of Batswana as a result of globalization; and (2) To find out some ways in which some cultural elements that are under the threat of extinction due to infiltration of Western culture(s) can be preserved. The sample consisted of ten (10) students who were purposively sampled from a population of twenty-one (21) students. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The study found that globalization effects on the culture of Batswana. Re commendations were made on how to preserve the culture of Batswana. One them was that the Botswana government should introduce different languages spoken in the country in the schools.
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