The present study is an attempt to study the relationship of Study Orientation (Study Habits and Attitudes) with decision making styles among higher secondary students. Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes (SSHA) developed by Brown and Holtzman (1967) and Flinders Decision Making Questionnaires I and II (DMQ-I and DMQ-II) developed by Mann (1982) were used to collect data. As large as 148 Higher Secondary Students pursuing the first year study of Higher Secondary Course (HSC) participated in this study. There were 75 males and 73 females. Results reveal that there is significant positive correlation between study orientation and decision self-esteem of students. Also, there is significant association between students’ study orientation and their decision making styles. This association is reflected only in non-vigilant decisions but not in vigilant decisions. Gender effect in Study Orientation was observed favouring female students. Demographic variables like, course of study (arts/science), family income, number of family members, birth order and their residence do not have any effect on their study orientation. The results are interpreted in terms of the role of schools in teaching good study habits to students thereby enhancing their decision self-esteem and reducing their defensive avoidance, buck passing and procrastinating tendencies.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Govind K., Amalor D.

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