The need for effective leadership has remained critical to capacity building and sustenance of competitive advantage in both public and private businesses. Nonetheless, leadership effectiveness has remained a multi-dimensional construct, and not many attempts have been made to conceptualise models in this area. Considering the case of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), the principal aim of the present study was to update and empirically support the traditional Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness in order to achieve a more credible model useful to contemporary organisations. It was observed that leader characteristics and hierarchy structure are not good determinants of leadership behaviour in the organisation. A final attempt was made to validate the Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness with the help of data gathered in the present study. Data validates the traditional model of leadership to a large extent; this is especially true for task-oriented leadership behaviour as opposed to relationship-oriented leadership behaviour. It is recommended that future researchers consider activity-based constructs for the measurement of variables to obtain more significant and validate critical relationships in the model. It is also recommended that ADNOC and other corporations in the region give equal attention to male and female employees and leaders. Females would particularly strive in positions where leader-subordinate relationships are critical for overall organisational success.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Yousef Hasan Jasem Hasan Alhammadi, Jacquline Tham, S. M. Ferdous Azam

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