Thomas A. Omang, Mary U. Ojong-Ejoh, Kenneth B. Bisong, Njin O. Egom


The study examines the impact of Cameroun refugee influx and its impact on food security in Etung Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. The study adopted the survey research method in eliciting information from 400 samples from two political wards in Etung Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria, using the purposive and random sampling technique. a self-administered structured questionnaire was the instrument of Data collection. Data gathered from the field was meticulously collated, coded and analyzed using simple percentages, frequency distribution, figures and simple lineal regression at 0.05 confidence level. Result revealed that there is a significant relationship between refugee influx and Food Security in Etung Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. The study recommends That the Cross-River state synergizes with the relevant agencies of the Federal Government as well as other international Agencies to stimulate production in Etung through agricultural programs such as farmers smallholders schemes, cassava, banana, yam, plantain plantations schemes, animal husbandry, cottage industries etc. to promote aggressive food revolution within affected areas to avert serious food crisis amongst others.


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refugee influx, food security, Cameroun, Etung Local Government Area

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Copyright (c) 2020 Omang, Thomas A., Ojong-Ejoh, Mary U., Bisong Kenneth B., Egom Njin O.

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