Aristotle, The Grand Master of Philosophy and Literature, developed many theories relating to inequality which remain relevant in this current millennium. This qualitative study examined the role of Disability Service Officers (DSOs) in Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and explored their approach to students with dyslexia using Aristotelian theory. This case study used semi-structured interviews in five TAFE Colleges within Australia. A foundational theory of Street-Level Advocates emerged from the DSOs interactions with adult students with dyslexia. Disability Service Officers interactions aligned with Aristotle's philosophy of Nicomachean Ethics; and knowledge, thinking, and ethics of humanity, whilst practicing good deeds. Aristotle’s theory plays an integral part of this research, as he provides knowledge of good deeds, not unlike DSOs in TAFE.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v5i4.867
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