The family is the foundation of society. Without it, there would be no development, prosperity and continuity of life. The influence of family affects our life including the development of gender roles in children aged 3-7 years. Family Education is the basis of any subsequent education, because personality and personal identity is formed there. Family also plays an important role in the socialization of gender roles in the ways they organize the environment for the child. This study aims to address the impact of the nuclear family, on the formation of the concept of gender roles as well as gender discrimination for boys and girls aged 3-7 years. We have used the qualitive method, through which we aim to highlight how do parents with their behavior influence the formation of gender roles, by including each other in activities of daily life and engagement in the division of housework. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the nuclear family in the formation of gender identity in children aged 3-7 years old in Albanian society. The study was conducted in the city of Elbasan. The findings of this study were identified from the viewpoint of couples who have children of both sexes. From data analysis, we have concluded that the nuclear family has great influence on the formation of gender roles of boys and girls aged 3-7 years. Men were seen as more focused and directed in the public area, while women in the private sphere. The impacts in the formation of gender roles were seen from the difference in colors, toys and children activities - activities for boys and activities for girls.
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