Joy Itoya, Innocent C. Igbokwe


This study examined the effect of various leadership styles on employees’ job performance, using selected large private sector organizations from some states in Nigeria. Descriptive survey design and a modified five points Likert scale was used in eliciting information from the respondents. The tools of analysis were Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. All tests were carried out at 0.05 level of significance. Results of the analysis indicates that F-value of 28.381 is statistically significant, valid and fit for any predictive purposes. It is also an indication that overall regression model is significant. The regression coefficient represented by ‘R’ has a value of 0.811 and it shows that 81.1 percent relationship exists between the dependent and independent variables. The coefficient of determination represented by ‘R2’ was estimated to be 0.735 and it implies that about 73.5 percent variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variables. The following were the specific findings of the study: Level-5 leadership style does not have significant effect on employees’ performance and charismatic leadership style has significant effect on employee performance. It was recommended that charismatic leadership style should be adopted to complement Level-5 leadership style for improved performance of the employees.


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level-5 leadership style, charismatic leadership style, employee performance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v5i4.880

Copyright (c) 2020 Joy Itoya, Innocent C. Igbokwe

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