To achieve community development, people have to be empowered both economically and socially. The church has been globally recognized in the fundamental role it plays in community development. However, some churches have faced various obstacles that hinder their potential contribution in achieving this objective. Community development requires a collective involvement to achieve common goals and without this, it becomes a challenge. There has been no documentation of challenges encountered by the Redeemed Gospel Church (RGC) when conducting development projects. This paper is therefore an assessment of the challenges faced by the Church in its mandate to enhance community development. This paper utilized an empirical qualitative “ethnographic” research design. Participatory ethnographic interviews and questionnaires were employed as the main methods for data collection. Data was collected from 30 RGCs that were randomly selected in the 20 sub-regions making in Makueni County at the time of the study. The collected data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively and presented in themes. The study indicates that besides financial hindrances, the churches also lacked leadership training on its management and in the management of projects in the community.
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