Gopal Khadka


The gender parity score is a tool to analyze the real status of women over men in a particular aspect of private and public life. To assess the status of gender parity in the labor market and to explore causes and measures of gender inequality in the labor market situation, this study conducted with the title “Status of gender parity in the labor market of Nepal”. This study is mainly based on the secondary data source of Nepal Labor Force Survey (NLFS-III, 2017/18). Essential Information collected through various search engines by simple literature review. This study revealed that the gender parity is favorable to male in most aspects of the labor market in Nepal. Gender disparity in the labor market is reflection of gender discrimination in Nepalese society. By realizing triple roles of women, i.e. reproductive, productive and community managing activities; it is mandatory to free them from subordination for achieving equality, equity and empowerment. Necessary mechanism should make to fulfill their practical needs and strategic needs. The labor market is the proper area for enhancing status of women. It empowers women more effectively than other mechanism. Gender parity in the labor market ensures overall development of the nation. By giving priority to gender matter, it is essential to conduct intensive, broad-based research investigation to find out the potential impact of ongoing labor policy on gender parity and to introduce evidence-based policies to create opportunities for both male and female without prejudice.

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empowerment, gender parity, gender disparity, labor market, prejudice

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Copyright (c) 2020 Gopal Khadka

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