Demetris Hadjicharalambous, Loucia Demetriou


The present research examined the relationship between parenting practices and children's characteristics. Specifically, the study focused on the children's characteristics, such as age, gender, birth order, and family structure, which influence parenting practices and have an impact on children's family relations, school performance, social competence, and children's self-esteem. The sample consisted of 336 Greek-speaking parents who had children age six up to twelve years old. Most of the participating parents were mothers (77%), with an average age of 35,7 +5,18. A large majority of the participants (75%) were a part of two parents-family, and 25% were a one parent-family. Parents answered four self-report questionnaires: Α Personal Information Form (PIF) was used to collect information about family and children's characteristics, the Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ-mother and father version), the Parental Authority Styles (PAQ) Questionnaire and the Children's Family Relations, School Performance, Social Competence, and Self-Esteem Questionnaire. Research results showed that children's characteristics (gender, age, and birth order) are significantly related to parents' parenting styles. Furthermore, the family structure (one or two parents - family) was statistically significant in parenting practices. As a result, parenting practices affected children's family relations, social competence, school performance, and self-esteem.

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children’s birth-order, family relations, parent-child relationship, parenting practices, parenting styles

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v6i1.968

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