Aymen Hawani, Anis Ben Chikha


This study aimed to identify the impact of value conflict a negative social process that involves exposure to two opposing, contradictory concepts and requires violation of at least one of the values on the academic adjustment of students at the “Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education (Ksar saïd)” of “University of Manouba”. Two questionnaires were designed to measure: 1) the extent to which students experience value conflict and 2) students’ levels of academic adjustment in terms of curriculum, goals, time management and personal relationships. The questionnaire was administered to a random sample of 739 students. Participant responses to these questionnaires indicate average levels of value conflict and academic adjustment. Results reveal a moderate level of value conflict among the “Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education (Ksar saïd)” students with the highest level found in the economic domain, followed by the social domain and cultural domain in third among. In terms of academic adjustment, students reported a moderate level, indicating some difficulties in adjusting to the “Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education (Ksar saïd)” life. Academic adjustment levels were highest in relation to students’ goals, followed by personal relationships, which are closely related areas.

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values, conflict, curriculum, “Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education (Ksar saïd)”, time management, academic adjustment

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