The article was a review study. This is an approach which allows the researcher to understand the phenomenon in depth (Karamustafaoglu, 2009). The researchers have adopted the literature review approach to investigate the problem in depth. The structures of literature have been analyzed through the handbooks mostly in the field of teacher education on literacy terms. This was a review study about exploring barriers to literacy from parents and teachers’ perspective. This was linked to the current literature in understanding about the phenomenon which was investigated. This study, therefore, relied on different kinds of literature such as published articles, theses and, books. Majority of them were obtained from research databases such as Web of Science and Google Scholar. Namamba and Rao (2017), and Manzar-Abbas and Lu (2013) followed the same method of review in conducting their review studies. In order to obtain relevant literature, search words such as “barriers to literacy” and “parents and teachers’ perspective” were used. In addition, books on teacher education were also consulted. All the obtained literature was summarized according to the search words of the study. All the obtained literature was cited properly in text and in the list. This allowed the researchers to extract and incorporate key information about exploring barriers to literacy from parents and teachers’ perspective into this article. The studies drawn in this review article reflect the learning about barriers to literacy from parents and teachers’ perspective in diverse directions.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejae.v0i0.1165
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