It is seen that Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which are the countries that attract attention with the economic developments recently in the world economy. These countries have surpassed the performance of many developed countries' economies and these countries are referred to as BRICS countries in the world economy. The main reason why these countries are referred to as a group is that they must have a young and growing population, have a chance of earning a high growth opportunity because they can earn direct foreign investment in the country economy, cheap labor and consequently low production costs. Judging from the forecasts of the future of the world economy, until the 2050s, BRICS countries will play an active role in the world economy, also known as the G-6, one of the world's largest economies of the United States, Italy, France; it is argued that the nation will have more than one national income than its national income. Made this first part of the BRICS countries and Turkey's economy will be assessed in terms of macroeconomic indicators studies will be compared later with the BRICS countries in that part of Turkey's economic indicators. A general evaluation will be made in the conclusion part.
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