Lincolyn Moyo, Lillie Beth Hadebe


Although Zimbabwe has tried devoting resources to address educational challenges, literature reviewed has indicated that Zimbabwe education system still needs priority towards the consolidation and improvement of both quality and quantity. Even though both quantity and quality issues are interrelated this study focused more on qualitative challenges affecting research and skilful teaching-learning (pedagogies) in the classroom. Through data collection and analysis four major challenges affecting skilful teaching were deduced, teacher incompetency, teaching being more teacher-centred preparing students to pass examinations, limited critical thinking teaching-learning activities and ineffective initial teacher training. Quantity challenges directly linked to skilful instructing are mainly, inadequate schools-infrastructure and insufficient resources. The above research findings were reached through qualitative analysis of published literature sources on challenges affecting research and skilful teaching. This research concluded that, the solution to most qualitative classroom based challenges can be solved by teacher competency gained through rigorous teacher training and consistent research/application of innovative pedagogies. Besides realigning teacher education, research funding, consistent teacher in-service and incentives for teachers were recommended.


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research, skilful teaching, quality and quantity in education, innovative pedagogies

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