This study was carried out to investigate the issues of time management by the international students in Northeast Normal University (NENU) Hostel in terms of what activities were done as a schedule of daily life in priority order and how much time was allocated and spend in each prioritized activities as sealed in five Linkert scale basis ranging from never to more than fifteen hours. The research design implied for the study was a phenomenological study where time was taken as a phenomenon. The data was collected via purposive participatory observation. The time duration of the study was one week. The data was analyzed qualitatively but the presentation was made in pyramid diagram to some extent. There were three Research questions led by two research objectives. The result revealed that study, social media, Sleeping/Rest, Eating and Drinking, Travelling, Grooming, Leisure/sports and Working for job-related activities as the top priority activities as the perception of students. The core activities were divided into the time interval series scales including Never, 1-5 Hours, 6-10 Hours, 11-15 Hours and above than 15 Hours. The above table shows that more than 80% of students have the time allocation to study in the range of 6-10 hours and 20%of students enjoy the time less than 6 hours. Maximum students have reported having the time utilization on the use of social media from 1-5 hours’ time allocation.80%of students were founded to use the time to have the talk with teachers and friends in the range of 1-5 hours whereas 20% student consumed the time for communication about the range 6-10 hours. Almost all students were reported to have not regular physical exercise for their health and 20% students have used about 1-5 hours of time for physical exercise. During the campus hours and the days all students have used about 1-5 hours on campus and in the days of off-campus, more than 80% of students were allocating their time in off-campus activities in the range of more than 11 hours. The time allocating for Television Watching for 50% student was zero and other 50% student they were found to watch TV as 1-5 hours range time period. All students were found in the use of social media tools in the time 1-5 hours daily. Maximum students have utilized the 6-10 hours for the daily rest.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejae.v0i0.1401
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