Umut Davut Basoglu


In the study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between the brand loyalty of the individuals, who go to sports centers, with different variables. The descriptive screening model was used in the study. The survey provided a total of 407 participants, including men (f = 229) and women (f = 178) who use Istanbul Sports Centers in European part of Istanbul. The survey form, prepared for this research, consists of two parts. In the first part, there are closed-ended questions to measure the demographic characteristics of the participants. In the second part, the Brand Loyalty Scale (BLS) developed by Özdemir and Koçak (2012) is employed. Frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation are used in assessing the demographic characteristics. Independent sample t test for binary comparisons and one way ANOVA for independent multiple comparisons are also utilized. In addition, Post-Hoc tests are applied to determine the groups differences involved in the variance analysis. Moreover, Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of Brand Loyalty Scale is found to be 0,934. We find that there are statistically significant differences amongst the brand loyalty levels of age groups. In addition, we also see that there are statistically significant differences amongst the brand loyalty levels of income groups of the participants. As a result, brand loyalty of individuals varies according to their age and income levels. As the age and the level of income increases, brand loyalty seems to decrease.


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exercise, sport, brand, brand loyalty

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